eXg. Crush Bio

BIOS, Give us the 411. Pics, (1024X768) are encouraged.
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eXg. CrUsH
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eXg. Crush Bio

Post by eXg. CrUsH »

My name is Shawn im 22 ive been gaming ever since I can remember. Ever since the atari days owning the console noobs! I soon was playing the Nes and then on to the Snes where my game of choice was Killer Instinct. Damn that was a good game. Many nights staying up all night getting my combo's right for each character. I had a subscrition to Nintendo magazine back then and I remember getting a VHS tape in the mail one day that had a Preview of the N64. I was like "omgz hax0rs" 3d graphics and no pixelation, anialising, zbuffer, etc. I was never a playstaion man growing up. The 64 brought many new things to the table, and Rare came out with Goldeneye then it was on! Thats when I really started getting into FPS.
Not too long after that My family got a 1337 computer. This thing was baddddd to the bone, I'm talking PII with MMX, 64mb of pc100 ram, a sound blaster 16 card, a 4mb sis video card, and a v.90 flex 56k modem. I was in heaven. From there I got into quake, tribes (which I played so freaken much of), Diablo, Age of empires, and unreal. As soon as I found out that unreal had UnrealEd a map editing program I was hooked. Started making maps in 1999. I made a couple deathmatch maps, and also made single player maps too. If you have not checked my previews of my work I suggest you check out these links.

It was not too long after that when they came out with a new uber card that haxes noobs, the VooDoo 3 card, which came in three flavors, the 2000, 3000, and 3500. All with 16mb of video memory. So, being the litle entrapanuer that I was I had saved up enought money from babysitting, mowing yuppies yards, and working at Little Ceasaurs, that I had the 138 bones that it took to get this baby. So I got the Voodoo 3 2000. This introduced me to Glide, and OpenGL. So now I could play GLquake, Tribes, Unreal, and soon to be Quake 2 that just came out.
Oh, almost forgot. Before all that I was into Grand Theft Auto, Im not talking about what the kids are playing today, this was the very first one that started it all. Prolly back in 96 or 97. It was 2d, top down view total carnage. It even had a multiplayer where you would kill your enemy. I'm suprised you cant do that now!
I even remember sending a video to Ken Lobb over at Nintendo of a bunch of glitches I found in Super Mario, Turok, Killer Instinct, and a couple other games. I actually got a letter back from him telling me that he was impressed etc. That was the coolest thing for me back then because I originally wanted to be a game tester. I still have some of the video footage from way back then. I prolly have about 5 or 6 vhs taps full of stuff.
I moved around allot as a kid and suddenly slipped away from the whole comp scene a little bit. Played the consoles hardcore. Did all that stuff. and started to actually concentrate on real life deciding on what I actually was going to do with it. My junior year of highschool I decided if I was ever to step foot in a college or do anything In life I would have to join the military. My family never had money growing up and going to college on a scholership was just too uncertain. I needed somthing solid. So, I went to the recruiters office and took a look around. I was immediatly sucked into the Marine Corps office, well that was the only one I went into actually. My English teacher was a marine and would talk about it all the time. After learning that this was the toughest branch to actually make it through I knew it would be the one I was going to enlist in. I wouldnt feel right doing anything less. So being a junior at this point I couldnt actually join the corps and get shipped off yet, so I joined the delay entry program. Somthing that was going to get me ready for the hardships ahead. Not only that but the time I spent in the delay entry program was going to take off of my Inactive service after I got out. If you serve in the military and only searve 4 years then you still have 4 years of inactive service in which they can call you back in. If you do 8 years then your scott free.
May 25th 2001 I graduate highschool! Yeah me I got'er done and got my diploma.....suckas!!! 4 days later I was on a bus to Paris Island. Dont get excited though, this is one Island you dont wanna be on..... 12 weeks of grueling training to make myself a Marine. It got pretty depressing at times, and others more rewarding then you would ever know. Getting through that was a big landmark in my life and will never be forgotten.
So now im a Marine and I got to go back home for a week and a half to see my family and friends. I was in the best damn shape of my life. I remember one time in bootcamp we were promised a half day off if we gave blood, a whole half day of them not IT'ing us or wreaking havoc on our bodies. I was totally for it. So I go to give blood and before hand when they took my vitals my heartrate was 43 bpm resting. I'm lucky to be in the 60's now hahaa. Oh and not only that we didnt get a half day off we were tricked! I also caught pneumonia in bootcamp which was not cool. I got pretty sick and kept training. This was the second time In my life getting it and at the time I didnt know I had it. It was really getting to me this one day when we were running. And I ran bad enought having asphma haha. (shhh dont tell anyone) So im running and I fell pretty far back. The drill instructors were furious, took me and this noob back to the barracks and tore us up. IT'ed us for about 4 hours straight, finally the drill instructor could see that I was half dead and ordered me to go to sick bay in which I found out what I had. They gave me some antibiotics and put me on bed rest, heh, that only lasted a day before I was back to training.
Ok, so after bootcamp and after visiting my family I had recruiters asistence, which was awesome cause that gave me more time to spend at home. All I would have to do is check in at the recruiting office every morning and do whatever they needed me to do. Usually it was going to the school and trying to recruit some noobs in my uniform. Not too long after that I was teaching noobs how to march to a cadence and helping this navy commander teach his ROTC class. I remember one morning being in the class while he taking attendance ect when all of a sudden bam bam bam planes hitting the twin towers, WTF HAX! It didnt look real, I was in total disbelief. During lunch I had a bunch of people comming up to me asking questions like I automatically knew the answers, "are you going over there?" "whats going to happen next". The hell if I knew, at this point I was only a offically a Marine for maybee 3 weeks!
After all that I was shipped out for more training. MCT (Marine Combat Training.) Where I would learn all sorts of new things to get me ready for what was to come. That Is also when I started smoking haha. I got to shoot the Squad automatic weapon, the grenade launcher, the M60, and throw an actuall live grenade. Also learned squad formations etc. It was a decent experiance.
Then My school started, finally I was going to learn my job! I was training to be a Aviation Ordnance Tech. Anything that goes boom! I delt with haha. After about 8 months or so of school I was in the "Fleet" where I could actually take everything I learned up to this point and use it. This would be my home for the next 3 years, Jacksonville NC.
During that time I got to do allot of things, more then going to strip clubs and drinking untill I couldnt see the numbers on my phone.. I got to go to CAX in July of 01, Allot of combat training, and allot of munition building training. In January of 03 I took a bus to Virginia and got on a boat for a long journey to Kuwait. It took around 50 days just to get there. Not becuase we couldnt get there faster, but because you cant travel in a straight line when you are on a boat like that unless there is an act of war. So after 09485972346978 circles and a couple canals, we were there. I spent the remaining time in Kuwait right below the border of Iraq untill the war started. The first F.A.R.P site (Forward Arming and Refueling Point) was about ten miles due south of the Iraqi boarder. All of the farp sites were named after baseball fields. That one was known as the "astro dome". Scud missles, small arms fire, and threats of Iraqi forces comming for us became a routine. It was extremly hot during the day, and cooled off big time for the night. We had to keep our chemical warfare suits on bigtime in the begining and settled the further we went north ahhaha. Sandstorms were another annoying thing that came every now and again. Before going in to Iraq our superiors thought it would be a good idea to write our family letters just in case of you know what. I didnt feel the need to as all my ties with my family and friends were great. I was at peace, and was ready to give my life for the country I love.
Somehow in Iraq, I avoided immediate death more then one time. Being ordnance it was pretty fast paced, allot of moving around. We had to keep going north to support the grunts. I remember my team had to fly ahead at one point to take over a farp site that another team had to abandon. It was a couple days afterwards that I found out that my convoy that went through Tickret got hit real bad. My 7 ton driver got shot in the head and died instantly. Nothing more scary then being somwhere you are not fimiliar with and having everybody you dont know wanting you dead. Not only that but not being able to take a shower for the longest period in my life! I belive the final count was 42 days or somthing like that haha. After the first couple days babywipes dont really do s**t. And you really dont notice the smell untill you get inside your sleeping bag at night and pretty much zip it all up except for a little peep hole for air. It gets quite chilly there after the sun goes down.
There was so much that went on during my time over there, there is not enought paper in the world to write it all down. Hell half of you arent even reading this far. I told you my bio was going to be for the die hard 1337 hax0r.
I could go on and on and tell you about so many other things that happend and things that I saw. I mean Haiti and Iraq is just somthing that needs to be talked about with a group a guys bullshitting and drinking. Somtimes it gets hard to talk about some of the things that I saw or experianced out there. There are people that had it worse etc and I feel for them cause Iraq can be a hellova place. But on the other hand if you catch me at the right time drinking, all of it comes out. So, I'm going to cut this intro out and start getting to the good stuff ;)

First off, If you havent checked out the video's for my Unreal maps that I made check these out! This is stuff that I did wayyyy back in the day, around 7 years ago or so. The downloads should be quick, def worth it.


Good chit! If you havent seen my 1337 video of owning noobs across the United States on my 3000 trip from Concord Ca, To New Port Richey FL, then you gotta check this out.


This is a little map I made for quake 3 Called Num2, Pretty basic but pretty fun with a couple of people playing InstaGib...


These next two shots where taken from another Quake 3 map that I almost finished, I couldnt find any more pics of that map unfortunatly, but heres a couple ;)


Me doing what I do best, posing for the camera, GQ style...


Mmmmmmm 1000 pound bombs


I couldnt help myself, they just looked so damn sexy, well and I wanted to feel power between my legs...


Sand cookie biatch! PWNED!


Some people get what they deserve, I cant show you guys what I did the next night muahahahaha!


Yep, I built this s**t with my bare hands....


I present to you.... The Panama Canal!




Big boat!


The Avenger, our surface to air protection on the boat...


Crack Alley (were we smoked) People were not allowed to smoke on their after dark because of how damn dark it was. Well and people falling off to their deaths...


Mmmmmm Donuts..


My personal impression of a Navy Cheif..


Never heard a man screem so freaking loud in my life, Morons bringing Ordnance back on the boat....


Cammie inspection on da boat!


They dont look good now, but stay on a boat for a couple months with them....


Damn that s**t tasted good! Awww common guys, he had it comming.... (btw that was me after not having a shower for 35 days i think maybee 37, pretty good huh?)


Me and Mr. Oliver North, some of you might know him, good guy....


Rota Spain, omfg! Beautifull place, beautifull women....


See, I'm a nice gentlemen.


Our hot tourguide for the "Romen Ruins" tour.


Oppps, my camera accidently went off..


Oppps again, damn I need a new camera.


Me and the boyz...




Hey! That chick ran in front of the camera again!


Doing what Marines do best...well one of the things we do best.


On a half nude beach drinking warm Heni's...


Come here often?


I found her again! OMFG body hax!


The Gaylord Texas Resort, Not too shabby....


A damn sea of computers..


Nvidia Doom Booth, If I knew what I knew know....


Thinking about what noobs I want to own first, Somthing that Is always going threw my mind..


Me and the rest of the SiTh clan, chillin with our Sponsors.


A** Hax!


I had to own them real quick.


Heyyyyy, how you dooiinnnnnn?


"You just like me cause im good with my fingers....."


Me getting ready to go to Haiti...


My group I was going out there with.


MCAS Cherrypoint waiting for our Plane.


Oh this is easy!


Errr hummmph, no its not, please sombody help me...


Shower time!


Ima O G!


The mysterious "HOMMIE" bathroom.


My bed, isnt it nice!?


Now thats what I call a hammock.


What? You talking to me? You must be, because there is nobody else here.


Haha I like this pic cause my arms look so big compared to his scrawny arms...


IUAOYAS! (If You Aint Ordnance You Aint s**t!)


Homemade theature in Haiti haha..


Me sniping some Haitian noobs with my rail gun...


Me and my older sis.


Me and my little bro, before I left for the Corps.


My old uber pimped out ride, Yeah its custom.


My new pimp s**t.


The last Marine Corps ball I went to.


I just had to see how many lolly pops I could get in her mouth! (Champ!)


Right after boot camp, Damn I needed to EAT! (Right after the Crucible I was at 127lbs, even thinner than in that pic.)


Damn I was in good shape..


The only girl I have ever "loved" And the only one to rip my heart out and stomp all over it (long story)


My sisters friends big fat fake Ti**ies. (They feel real as fook tho...)


The ribbons I rate.


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eXg. D|stance
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Post by eXg. D|stance »

Lol get me all exited!
I even made a new pc just to get the specific system requirements ;)
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Post by td »

Will I get 60+ FPS on a 6600GT, AMD 64 3400 and 1gig of RAM while reading this bio?
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eXg. D|stance
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Post by eXg. D|stance »

Depends! you'll be lucky to get 30 fps with everything tweaked and r_lightdetail 9 on when he gets all his pictures up :p
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eXg. CrUsH
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Post by eXg. CrUsH »

LMAO!!!!! Well the final count of pictures is 71. Its just under 30 megs, lets hope your computers are as 1337 skeet as my uber rig! Oh wait, I forgot my most important pictures oh man. Ok I need to add more and do a recount...

Stay tuned....

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Post by K1LLA:4:H1RE »

ugh......... i hate it when people post threads with an exciting topic and no pictures or content....

coming soon...........


congratulations crush.... this subjet made it onto my top 10 irritating things.... right under running out of toilet paper and people saying run forest run....
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eXg. CrUsH
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Post by eXg. CrUsH »

eXg. DarkStarGTX wrote:ugh......... i hate it when people post threads with an exciting topic and no pictures or content....

coming soon...........


You and pun might be the only ones that meet the min system req of my bio....

I'm going to have to post it in safe mode! :shock:

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Post by K1LLA:4:H1RE »

get linux......... it will help you in your time of need.... LUXOR............
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eXg. HollowPo1nt
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Post by eXg. HollowPo1nt »

well i thought i was going to see the man hurry up crush
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Post by motionOne »

eXg. CrUsH wrote:
eXg. DarkStarGTX wrote:ugh......... i hate it when people post threads with an exciting topic and no pictures or content....

coming soon...........


You and pun might be the only ones that meet the min system req of my bio....

I'm going to have to post it in safe mode! :shock:

pfffft.. 3.2ghz p4 w/ ht, 2gb ram, 6800gt - does that meet your reqs?
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eXg. CrUsH
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Post by eXg. CrUsH »

MotionOne wrote:
eXg. CrUsH wrote:
eXg. DarkStarGTX wrote:ugh......... i hate it when people post threads with an exciting topic and no pictures or content....

coming soon...........


You and pun might be the only ones that meet the min system req of my bio....

I'm going to have to post it in safe mode! :shock:

pfffft.. 3.2ghz p4 w/ ht, 2gb ram, 6800gt - does that meet your reqs?

We will Have to see now wont we???

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Post by K1LLA:4:H1RE »

youve been hacked
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eXg. Pun1sher
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Post by eXg. Pun1sher »

Wow, damn tootin. Nicey man. You're right about the 1337 BIO. We should put a warning on it. Hehehe. Nice Crush.

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Post by hadriel »

Awsome man, even more pics than before! :)
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Post by motionOne »

that s**t was done loading before i got past the first sentence. your profile is no match for my pc!!! hahaa.. nice bio man, way to show me up ha
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