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eXg. Pun1sher
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Post by eXg. Pun1sher »

General again, I commend you as this is probably about the ONLY repsectable debate on this topic, on our forums, period. That needed to be said. :)

I don't have any factual data regarding the Iraqi police force, so untill I make some calls to guys who HAVE been deployed and give me some first hand info, I won't speculate. It is true that over there, religion is much more important or at least seemingly so, than over here. Admittedly, our cops shoot everyone all the time. If their police force is NOT ready to do the job yet, and/or are not getting it done currently, then I stress that pulling out now, would be the worst thing possible. Lives lost cannot be returned, which makes me very deliberate when I debate things like this. Regarding the hated status of the US, I always have to ask where that information is derived from. I hear misleading, almost untrue, and most def. shaped stories coming from our mass media everyday. Then I check other sources, and ultimately make the decision. The honest first thing that comes to mind, is if we are "disliked" already for taking the stand we have, commiting what we have, then let's call that a done deal. What would happen, or how would we be perceived, if, we pulled out now, and the local police did not handle the situation?? Mass murders would come back, the new government overthrown, various tribal warlords all biding for power, with the innocent used as pawns ??

It would seem to me, that to fail, would hurt us more in the eyes of the world, than any other possible action. It def. was NOT the easy road to go to war, and hell Bush has probalby had one of the hardest damn presidencies going for that matter. He also get's one hell of alot of non-stop bashing. I see it everyday. When he has a success, it is burried, when there is a screw up, it's front page news. It's a thankless job. I commend him for not trying to "keep everyone happy", or "settle for a plan", or "work the poll numbers to dictate military options", because ultimately he, will be blammed for everything, anything that happens. I don't care if it's a lowly misguided guard in Guantanimo, another US attack, the man's got quite a bit riding on this. As do all the citizens of not only the US, but across the world as well.

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Post by general icon »

your right about the media vultures pun they just love scandle and things of the sort for asking ppl that were deployed their ask crush after all he was a marine depending where was he deployed but ask anyway
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Post by BugZz »

Last edited by BugZz on Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hadriel »

tbh, you can't post a video like this and NOT expect these kinds of debates to start on a topic so similar.
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Post by BugZz »

[eXg] Mattinator wrote:tbh, you can't post a video like this and NOT expect these kinds of debates to start on a topic so similar.
true but everyone did ask for not a debate on this just sayin
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Post by BobMarley! »

eXg. CrUsH wrote:Well said pun. And I myself dont want to make a huge debate either. Id say that the job over there is far from finished and our military forces will be over there for quite somtime. Cutting out now would be very stupid. Why do somthing half assed? Whats to say that if we all come home now things wont go back to the way it was?
Disco! You got it man... My EOS just passed and I can honestly just say that WE MUST FINISH WHAT WE STARTED... I have my opinion on the matter and I can honestly say that those guys are patriotic and doing what they can to get by and get ahead in life (IE, SCHOOL MONEY... TRAVEL) and I'm sure alot of the didn't expect to be serving in some country thousands of miles away for a reason they didn't want. I support our boys in blue and green and pray for their safe homecoming every day. Big ups to our eXg vets and supporters.


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Post by ParadoX »

sukki its a forum thats almost what they were designed for, and pun i love you find out that your a republican makes my day...i dont see how that video would make anyone sad...its just the gay music that makes it seem like its a bad thing...i put some slipknot to it and rock out man...the us troops are awsome..and the 1000 innocent killed...that was by accident, and it needed to be done sometime, just look at it this way we only killed 1000 many did saddam kill? like 100,000 or more? those were just what was necessary, of course it a tragady but they f*****g attacked us first we didnt go in lookn for oil...thatll just be a huge ass benifit once this s**t is done...f**k the 2 years i hope we are still at war cause ill be joining the marines for 3 main reasons:
1- the physco reason; i love guns, i love shooting guns, i dont care if people die, i dont care if i kill people, i would enjoy killing people legally and people that wanna kill me anyway, but thats cause im mentally insane.
2- i wanna protect my f*****g people from an attack like 9/11, y should americans die? we were the target for no reason, man f**k them.
3- if they want to die and go to allah ill do them the f*****g favor...
3.5- if i dont end up in the armed forces, then my life will suck ass cause im not good at anything else and i dont wanna end up on the street...

thats mostly my standpoint...and ill put something like pun did...

radically insane republican: yes
rich: my parents are...but im broke
invested in oil: im f*****g 15
support bush: i did at the start of his presidency and i still do just because i dont want no $#@*&# democrat asswipe in the office, but i think he has lost direction being with no real exit plan, but hey at least someone has the balls to stand up and fight the power!!! the terrorist's weak ass power that is...

-fanny mayster
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Post by BobMarley! »

Wow dude. Pretty hard core.. I'm sure Crush met a few of these crazy types, you know the Recon Marines :twisted: Well fanny it seems like you have your mind made up, just be sure your FIT both mentally and physically and ready to go because NCO's like Crush and I would wear you the f*ck out no doubt. The Corps is a force in readiness and most don't realize that. So why not do a weekend BootCamp thing and see where you heart lies cause remember what USMC means....
S igned
M y F*ckin
C ontract

Enjoy! :D
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eXg. CrUsH
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Post by eXg. CrUsH »

eXg.BobMarley! wrote:Wow dude. Pretty hard core.. I'm sure Crush met a few of these crazy types, you know the Recon Marines :twisted: Well fanny it seems like you have your mind made up, just be sure your FIT both mentally and physically and ready to go because NCO's like Crush and I would wear you the f*ck out no doubt. The Corps is a force in readiness and most don't realize that. So why not do a weekend BootCamp thing and see where you heart lies cause remember what USMC means....
S igned
M y F*ckin
C ontract

Enjoy! :D


U ncle
S ams
M isguided
C hildren

Right on bra, Marine Corps all the way. And fanny, let me know when you get to bootcamp so I can send you a letter with "fanny may" on the back with hearts haha. If your not in extremly good shape before you go, you will be by the time you leave bootcamp...

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Post by BugZz »

wacth this s**t then tell me why the f**k our we over there when we $#@*&# did it..

wrong fanny... bush and goverment did it...the toerrosit were hire by bush and goverment and i can prove it...if u see the 9/11 film not by that fat dude...there a few one google explane this to me? explane how a twin tower falls under 2mins...a normal fire in that type of building would take 12 hours or more...did ya notice how there was explones in the building....explane how a jet blows up before hitting a building...and please tell why the f**k why there only to f15 left at base..and the rest fly f*****g to californa? ... 4&q=9%2F11
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Post by BobMarley! »

ehh.... see this one getting dirty all ready. All subject to SPECULATION. None of us knows the TRUTH, period. We all have our hypothesis based on movies we've seen, testimonies we've heard, but OCCOMS Razor always seems to be the easiest answer. Ponder that please.
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Post by Dea+h Dealer »

I support the troops 100% but i dont like the war or anything that has to do with it.

The video brought a tear to my eye, a chick/lady who came to one of our airsoft matches is in the army and is being deployed in september. I hope we can end this soon and get our troops home with their famielys.

sukki, i cant answer most of your questions but jetfuel burns EXTREAMLY hot and when steel becomes hot it becomes very plyable making the parts that stayed together weak along with the missing parts due to the crash, and a building of that size will come down very easy if the support becomes weakened.
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Post by BugZz »

Dea+h Dealer wrote:I support the troops 100% but i dont like the war or anything that has to do with it.

The video brought a tear to my eye, a chick/lady who came to one of our airsoft matches is in the army and is being deployed in september. I hope we can end this soon and get our troops home with their famielys.

sukki, i cant answer most of your questions but jetfuel burns EXTREAMLY hot and when steel becomes hot it becomes very plyable making the parts that stayed together weak along with the missing parts due to the crash, and a building of that size will come down very easy if the support becomes weakened.
then explane the how come in 1989 when bin laden try the first time and it didn't fall...and the building was still up for more then 5 hours...they even said it when they made the twin wont fall by a plane crash or any fly object...i mean cmon now...if they say that and in the video there demo team with explones in fell under 2 mins man...just wacth perf shooter we seen it...
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Post by Dea+h Dealer »

i would watch the video but it doesent work for me

they said it wouldnt fall because of a flying object but im betting they weren't expecting amount of heat the fire produced

also in 1989 that was when the terriests used a bomb in the basement correct? thats because they used a high explosive which will bring down a building if PROPERLY placed... as in not in a van in the parking lot in the basement

if anybody here understands that steel will fail due to heat its me, you can cause a piece of steel to burn at 2400 degrees and it will become plyable at 1200 and is extreamly plyable at 1800+
Last edited by Dea+h Dealer on Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BugZz »

Dea+h Dealer wrote:i would watch the video but it doesent work for me

they said it wouldnt fall because of a flying object but im betting they weren't expecting amount of heat the fire produced
flash player u b/c remeber on the 1 first try there was alot of fire to plus..with that big of building the fire would of had to cover more then half of it just to fall..
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