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Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:04 pm
by Veloc1ty90
ok guys i just got a ton of money for my b-day..and am thinkin about vista. but b4 i look into it to much i want to hear from whoever has it. wat do u guys think? does it run better? can u run ur games good? is it worth the money? lemme hear wat u think

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:21 am
by eXg. focus
wait. spend the money on something that will last, yes, definitely, but do NOT go with Vista just yet. It's a personal choice, certainly, but I would advise against it until the bumps are smoothed out.

Money is not at all what's keeping me from going to Vista, it's a matter of the OS's maturity.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:41 am
by BugZz
Vista sucks. But i have hope for it services package two for vista is coming this fall. I had it on my pc for 2 months and i took it off because it ate so much of my cpu memory is order to run vista with all the eye candy your need 4 gigs or more. but i ran it on 2gigs of ram with alot of eye candy off and it still ate my pc :cry: don't buy it.

If i was you i'd put it in the bank and start saving for college or a car or something that you will need that is important Like Women :shock:

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:45 am
by eXg. focus
suki wrote:Vista sucks. But i have hope for it services package two for vista is coming this fall. I had it on my pc for 2 months and i took it off because it ate so much of my cpu memory is order to run vista with all the eye candy your need 4 gigs or more. but i ran it on 2gigs of ram with alot of eye candy off and it still ate my pc :cry: don't buy it.

If i was you i'd put it in the bank and start saving for college or a car or something that you will need that is important Like Women :shock:
FTW lol

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:06 am
by BugZz

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:34 am
by eXg. Pun1sher
Everything I've heard so far points to Vista sucking like a hose. I'm sure, EVENTUALLY it will come around, but right now, it just sucks. I've not installed it, so none of this is first hand. I could tell that Microsoft was ramming it down peoples' throats when I saw the "Laptop Push" happening, ie, most if not all recent new laptops ONLY came with Vista. This has now changed, and it shouldn't be any suprise why. First off, yes, people don't like it. The realistic BOTTOM limit of RAM is basically 2G is you expect to run Aero. Watching people stuggle with 1G or less, was just painfull. The disk encryption, ehhhhh, we'll see. Stabillity, drivers ?? Not yet, we'll see. The ever annoying popups, security warnings ?? Maybe a good idea to keep things compartmentalized, safer, but annoying ?? Yes. It leaves me, and alot of other people really questioning the whole Vista/DX10/Crysis push. Almost seems like a bait and switch.

The fact remains, and all of you MaximumPC readers ALREADY know this that there ARE numbers games being played in regards to "Copies Sold", and it's pretty obvious why. People just aren't loving it, for a multitude of reasons. Not saying that XP was perfect when it came out, but clearly, neither is Vista. Things have gotten so bad for Vista, hehe, that to the carefull observer, more and more of the BIG vendors have BACKTRACKED, and are now, or have been offering XP on new rigs again. Hmmm, wonder why they did that. Hmmmm.

Stay tuned. . . . . . . . . .


Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:16 am
by Veloc1ty90
suki wrote: If i was you i'd put it in the bank and start saving for college or a car or something that you will need that is important Like Women :shock:
i have to split all my money up so i have already put money in for that stuff. this is wat is left over.

anyways thanx for the advice guys, i will hold off on it

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:18 am
by eXg. CrUsH
Thats exactly how it was. All new pc's had a pre install of vista, which was kind of good for the previous job I had because we still offered XP in most of our new systems. And if the main stores like pun said are now offering XP again, then they noticed the problem and have back tracked to get their sales back up.

There are still plenty of people running windows 98, its sad I know but some people are just afraid of change. Windows xp is by far the best choice to stay with.....for now.

One of my biggest disapointments as far is vista goes is that the new file system was not finished and implemented. That would have been one of the main factors I was looking for as far as getting excited about the new OS.

XP works great for what I do and hasnt kept me back on anything yet. Ill think about upgrading when that finally happends.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:19 am
by eXg. Jago-Vs-Fulgore
this is the Thing .. Crysis, & gears of war will require you to have Vista & there both due out this september: your just gonna havet o get it & install it onto a 2nd drive like i did.. I've had better luck with Vista since the Update.. give it a shot:


Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:49 am
by simulation
eXg. Jago-Vs-Fulgore wrote:this is the Thing .. Crysis, & gears of war will require you to have Vista & there both due out this september: your just gonna havet o get it & install it onto a 2nd drive like i did.. I've had better luck with Vista since the Update.. give it a shot:

Yes, this is the sensible option. Dual-boot on a second drive. I'll be doing that when I feel the need to do some more vista testing.

When you can pick up a 160GB drive for less than $50 it makes sense.


Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:54 am
by BobMarley!
suki wrote:lol
funny stuff. i would wait too mang. why not upgrade your processor and mobo or spend it on a hotties or two for your birthday (not that i condone escorts or anything like that) happy bday! 8)

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:51 pm
by BugZz
There thinking of putting dx10 on XP in services package 3 i was reading article on it.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:08 pm
by eXg. Pun1sher
suki wrote:There thinking of putting dx10 on XP in services package 3 i was reading article on it.
THAT, is exactly what I'm watching now. Sales figures are very motivating. I'm sure that Vista will pwn when it's done, but everything I've heard so far, reports, deceiving "sold" copy figures, and also the backtracking on some big vendors to allow XP as an option, may bring just a little more heat, than you think.

Follow the dollars, they'll tell you the direction.


Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:41 pm
by Ruiner
give vista some time, there's some very nice things about it but not great enough to buy. i absolutely hate the security built into it. it seemed slow

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:22 pm
by eXg. Man0waR
When they work out the quirks with vista it will definately be worth it for all the new software and games.